The world
of the infinitely small


Call for a junior group leader at Institut Pasteur de Lille.

Check out for further details : HERE


Priscille BRODIN from the team "Chemical Genomics of Intracellular Mycobacteria" at CIIL is co-organizing a workshop on "Host and pathogen heterogeneity in tuberculosis" at Hyderabad on February 2025.

Check out for more details : HERE


For all internship applications, please send your request directly to the group leader of the research area that you are interested in :
1- Bacteria, Antibiotics & Immunity : Contact
2- Biology of Apicomplex Parasites : Contact
3- Cellular Microbiology & Physics of Infection : Contact
4- Chemical Biology of Antibiotics : Contact
5- Chemical Biology of Flatworms : Contact
6- Chemogenomics of Intracellular Mycobacteria : Contact
7- Ecology & Physiopathology of Intestinal Protozoa : Contact
8- Influenza, Immunity & Metabolism : Contact
9- Lung Immunity : Contact
10- Molecular & Cellular Virology : Contact
11- Opportunistic Infections, Immunity, Environment & Lung Diseases: Contact
12- Plague & Yersinia pestis : Contact
13- Research on Mycobacteria and Bordetella: Contact
14- Tropical Biomes & Immuno-Pathophysiology : Contact

15- Mechanobiology of Host-Microbe Interactions : Contact


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Our video chanel

Where are we with antiviral treatments against Covid-19?

Third episode in the series dedicated to researching Covid-19. This webinar is moderated by Marie Treibert, science popularizer on the La Boîte à curiosités channel. She questions Sandrine Belouzard, virologist and CNRS researcher, who answers all questions relating to antivirals in the treatment of Covid-19. What is the difference between a vaccine and an antiviral treatment? How does an antiviral work? Who will benefit from it? Do we favor therapeutic repositioning or research for a new drug? Through definitions, a press review and an interview, this webinar takes stock of the subject.

One year after the first cases of COVID-19, researchers of the Center for Infection & Immunity of Lille present the current knowledge on SARS-CoV-2 in the context of a series of conferences organized by the Lille Research Taskforce on COVID-19, in partnership with the Society of Sciences, Agriculture and Arts of Lille.


Researchs against Covid-19 at the Institut Pasteur in Lille.

Coronaviruses, specificities and prospects for treatment by Jean Dubuisson, director of the Center for Infection & Immunity of Lille

"While bats are not to blame for everything, they have played a role in the transmission of at least 11 viruses" ...

COVID-19: Jean Dubuisson tells us about ANTI-CoV, a project supported by the FRM