ECOPHIP is focusing its research activities on the intestinal parasitic protozoa Blastocystis and Cryptosporidium, which currently represent major socioeconomic and public health problems. Both parasites are responsible for gastrointestinal infections which, in the case of Cryptosporidium, can be serious or even fatal in children and immunocompromised patients. However, these parasites are still poorly studied and generally overlooked by health authorities, while little or no treatment is effective against these parasites. Moreover, these two parasites, presenting a great genetic diversity and being able to colonize many hosts, also represent relevant models to investigate a major biological question in the field of "Ecology of Health": what is the nature of the genetic diversity of these latter parasites and its impact on the circulation and pathogenicity of different species and genotypes? The current and future work of ECOPHIP, which has the particularity of combining “field studies" and "laboratory research", aim to clarify the molecular epidemiology of these parasites, their circulation in human and animal populations as well as in the environment (research of transmission risk factors) and their pathophysiology while identifying molecules and mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of these parasites. The goal of ECOPHIP is to provide strategies to implement urgent prevention and control measures to significantly reduce the incidence of these pathogens.To carry out its activities, ECOPHIP combines molecular epidemiology and phylogeny, comparative genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, metagenomics and cell and molecular biology approaches together with the development of in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro study models. ECOPHIP has developed a large and well-targeted network of regional, national and international collaborations. Finally, because of its rare expertise in protistology, ECOPHIP is requested for specific collaborations, in particular in the context of the molecular identification of parasitic protozoa of interest in human and animal health or as coordinator / partner of funded projects funded in the fields of parasitology (fish parasites) and environmental parasitology.
Blastocystis & Microbiota

Gut eukaryome: the special role of intestinal protozoa in the gut microbiota
Awareness of the roles that host-associated intestinal microbes play in biology and health has increased in recent years. However, microbiome research has focused essentially on bacteria, and overall, little is known about the role of host-associated eukaryotes outside the field of Parasitology. However, microeukaryotes are common inhabitants of our gut rarely associated with clinical signs of disease. In particular, our team has shown that Blastocystis protozoa, whose pathogenicity is controversial, are associated with positive effect on intestinal bacterial diversity and changes in the composition of the gut microbiome, and would therefore be considered members of a healthy gut microbiota. Studying the diversity and role of these intestinal microeukaryotes on human and animal health is therefore one of the major research themes of the ECOPHIP team. This topic has been or is being financed in particular by the Hauts-de-France region, SATT du Nord and ANSES.
1. Even G, Lokmer A, Rodrigues J, Audebert C, Viscogliosi E, Segurel L, Chabé M (2021) Changes in the human gut microbiota associated with colonization by Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba spp. in non-industrialized populations. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 11, 533528. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.533528.
2. Chabé M, Certad G, Caccio SM. Editorial: Enteric Unicellular Eukaryotic Parasites and Gut Microbiota: Mechanisms and Ecology. Front Microbiol. 2021 Oct 25;12:779412. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.779412. PMID: 34759914; PMCID: PMC8573350.
3. Lokmer A, Cian A, Froment A, Gantois N, Viscogliosi E, Chabé M, Ségurel L (2019) Use of shotgun metagenomics for the identification of protozoa in the gut microbiota of healthy individuals from worldwide populations with various industrialization levels. PLoS ONE 14, e0211139. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211139.
4. Siegwald L, Caboche S, Even G, Viscogliosi E, Audebert C, Chabé M (2019) The impact of bioinformatics pipelines on microbiota studies: does the analytical “microscope” affect the biological interpretation? Microorganisms 7, 393. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms7100393.
5. Chabé M, Lokmer A, Ségurel L (2017) Gut Protozoa: Friends or Foes of the Human Gut Microbiota? Trends Parasitol 33, 925-934. doi: 10.1016/
6. Siegwald L, Audebert C, Even G, Viscogliosi E, Caboche S, Chabé M (2017) Targeted metagenomic sequencing data of human gut microbiota associated with Blastocystis colonization. Sci Data 4, 170081. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.81.
7. Audebert C, Even G, Cian A; Blastocystis Investigation Group, Loywick A, Merlin S, Viscogliosi E, Chabé M (2016) Colonization with the enteric protozoa Blastocystis is associated with increased diversity of human gut bacterial microbiota. Sci Rep 6, 25255. doi: 10.1038/srep25255.
CA21105 - Blastocystis under One Health (OneHealthBlastocystis)
The ECOPHIP team is the only French team to have integrated the COST program Blastocystis under One Health 2022-2026. Within this framework, Dr Magali Chabé is a member of the management committee and co-leader of the working group "Blastocystis collection and database". Dr Eric Viscogliosi will be involved in the working group "Mapping Blastocystis epidemiology and diagnostics
Blastocystis colonizes at least one billion people making it the most prevalent intestinal microbial eukaryote. Emerging data indicates higher prevalence in animals. A high proportion of carriers are asymptomatic. Despite numerous studies, pathogenicity of Blastocystis remains controversial. Currently, at least 26 genetic subtypes (STs) exist. Of these, ST1-ST9 and ST12 have been found in humans, while the rest have been isolated only from non-human hosts. Information on prevalence, geographic distribution and host specificity of STs is incomplete. Significant gaps also exist on environmental presence of Blastocystis. Collectively, this paucity of data blurs the Blastocystis landscape considerably. The specific objectives of this framework are to: (1) Support advancement of Blastocystis research by bringing together professionals from various disciplines and countries; (2) Foster information sharing on current methodologies, especially in the areas of subtyping, host-Blastocystis-microbiome interactions and Blastocystis-omics; (3) Promote capacity building via a transdisciplinary network of international collaboration; (4) Open avenues of communication with veterinarians, physicians and general public. By the end of this initiative, participants will be able to: (i) Apply state-of-the-art tools for molecular identification of Blastocystis; (ii) Harmonise methodologies for subtyping Blastocystis and identifying its role within the gut; (iii) View Blastocystis under One Health approach; (iv) Generate novel hypotheses to test role of Blastocystis in the gut ecosystem, health and disease.
Action keywords
Blastocystis in health and disease - Blastocystis epidemiology - Blastocystis diversity and evolution - One Health approach - Blastocystis in 'omics era
ECOPHIP meets high school students in the Lille area
Over the past few years, ECOPHIP is involved in the DECLICS program (Dialogue Entre Chercheurs et Lycéens pour les Intéresser à la Construction des Savoirs: Established in 2014 by the Cercle FSER (Fondation Schlumberger pour l'Education et la Recherche), the DECLICS program aims to promote research, its approaches and its issues among young people and encourage the involvement of research staff in dialogue with the general public.
Within this framework, and in collaboration with the Cercle FSER and teachers of Life and Earth Sciences (SVT), members of ECOPHIP meet scientifically-oriented students in their final year of high school. The meeting consists of two phases: a general presentation of the research professions and the visiting team's scientific activities by the "Captain DECLICS" followed by a speed-meeting with the high-school students and each team member (DECLICS ambassadors). During the speed-meeting, the ambassadors presented their careers (researcher, assistant-professor, post-doc, doctoral student, engineer, technician, medical student, master's student, bachelor's student, etc.) and replied to the high-school students' questions.
On December 15, the ECOPHIP (E. Viscogliosi) and Microbiology's Platypus (D. Devos) teams met with around sixty final-year students from the Lycée Faidherbe in Lille, together with SVT teacher Mme Henocq. Thanks to the diversity of the ambassadors' profiles, the operation was very successful and may have inspired new vocations.

Presentation of research careers and activities by "Captain DECLICS" at Lycée Faidherbe, Lille (E. Viscogliosi)
DECLICS Ambassadors" at Lycée Faidherbe, Lille (From left to right: Sylvia Viscogliosi, 3rd year Medical School / Master student; Jeremy Desramaut, Technician; Manon Ryckman, PhD student; Ruben Garcia Dominguez, PhD student; Constance Denoyelle, PhD student; Angéline Reboul, Post-doc; Magali Chabé, Assistant-professor; Gabriela Certad, Researcher; Nausicaa Gantois, Engineer; Eric Viscogliosi, DR CNRS).
Cryptosporidium and digestive cancer
The Apicomplexan intracellular parasite Cryptosporidium is considered as one of the major causes of mild and severe diarrhea worldwide but less attention has been paid to its tumorigenic potential despite the high exposure of humans and animals to this ubiquitous parasite. Particularly, our team has reported that Cryptosporidium parvum can induce invasive gastrointestinal and biliary adenocarcinoma in a SCID mouse model as soon as 20 days Post-Infection (depending on the virulence of the Cryptosporidium strain) and low grade intraepithelial neoplasia in an intestinal ex vivo model. Moreover, Cryptosporidium infections may induce cell transformation in humans. Indeed, recent epidemiological studies showed a high prevalence of infection in patients with gastrointestinal cancer recently diagnosed and before any treatment.
Our research has concentrated on the study of the physiopathology of Cryptosporidium and on the identification of the molecular signature of Cryptosporidium parvum-induced digestive cancer

Adenocarcinoma in the ileocaecal region induced by Cryptosporidium parvum. A: Macroscopic aspects of the lesion; B and C: Microscopic aspects of the lesion (Hematoxylin & Eosin). D: Electron micrograph of C. parvum infecting epithelial cell. Bar (µm) = A: 1000; B: 400; C: 25; D: 0.4. From Benamrouz et al. 2012.b
* Sawant M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Meloni D, Gantois N, Even G, Guyot K, Creusy C, Duval E, Wintjens R, Weitzman J, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E, Certad G. Putative SET-domain methyltransferases in Cryptosporidium parvum and histone methylation during infection. Virulence 2022 ; 13, 1632-1650. doi: 10.1080/21505594.2022.2123363.
* Sawant M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Mouray A, Bouquet P, Gantois N, Creusy C, Duval E, Mihalache A, Gosset P, Chabé M, Hot D, Viscogliosi E, Certad G. Persistent Cryptosporidium parvum infection leads to the development of the tumor microenvironment in an experimental mouse model: results of a microarray approach. Microorganisms 2021; 9, 2569. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9122569.
* Audebert C, Bonardi F, Caboche S, Guyot K, Touzet H, Merlin S, Gantois N, Creusy C, Meloni D, Mouray A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M. Genetic basis for virulence differences of various Cryptosporidium parvum carcinogenic isolates. Sci Rep 2020 ; 10, 7316. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64370-0.
* Baydoun M, Treizeibre A, Follet J, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Creusy C, Delaire B, Mouray A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Senez V. An interphase microfluidic culture system for the study of ex vivo intestinal tissue. Micromachines. 2020 ; 11, 150. doi: 10.3390/mi11020150.
* Sawant M, Baydoun M, Creusy C, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Benamrouz-Vanneste S. Cryptosporidium and Colon Cancer: Cause or Consequence? Microorganisms. 2020 ; 8 (11):E1665. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8111665.
* Osman M, Benamrouz S, Guyot K, Baydoun M, Frealle E, Chabe M, Gantois N, Delaire B, Goffard A, Aoun A, Jurdi N, Dabboussi F, Even G, Slomianny C, Gosset P, Hamze M, Creusy C, Viscogliosi E, Certad G. High association of Cryptosporidium spp. infection with colon adenocarcinoma in Lebanese patients. PLoS One. 2017; 12(12):e0189422. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189422.
* Baydoun M, Vanneste SB, Creusy C, Guyot K, Gantois N, Chabe M, Delaire B, Mouray A, Baydoun A, Forzy G, Chieux V, Gosset P, Senez V, Viscogliosi E, Follet J, Certad G. Three-dimensional (3D) culture of adult murine colon as an in vitro model of cryptosporidiosis: Proof of concept. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):17288. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17304-2.
* Cheeseman K, Certad G, Weitzman JB. Parasites and cancer: is there a causal link? Med Sci (Paris). 2016; 32(10):867-873. doi: 10.1051/medsci/20163210020.
* Benamrouz S, Conseil V, Chabé M, Praet M, Audebert C, Blervaque R, Guyot K, Gazzola S, Mouray A, Chassat T, Delaire B, Goetinck N, Gantois N, Osman M, Slomianny C, Dehennaut V, Lefebvre T, Viscogliosi E, Cuvelier C, Dei-Cas E, Creusy C, Certad G. Cryptosporidium parvum-induced ileo-caecal adenocarcinoma and Wnt signaling in a mouse model. Dis Model Mech. 2014;7(6):693-700. doi: 10.1242/dmm.013292.
* Benamrouz S, Guyot K, Gazzola S, Mouray A, Chassat T, Delaire B, Chabé M, Gosset P, Viscogliosi E, Dei-Cas E, Creusy C, Conseil V, Certad G. Cryptosporidium parvum infection in SCID mice infected with only one oocyst: qPCR assessment of parasite replication in tissues and development of digestive cancer. PLoS One. 2012; 7(12):e51232. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051232.
* Benamrouz S, Conseil V, Creusy C, Calderon E, Dei-Cas E, Certad G. Parasites and malignancies, a review, with emphasis on digestive cancer induced by Cryptosporidium parvum (Alveolata: Apicomplexa). Parasite. 2012;19(2):101-15. doi: 10.1051/parasite/2012192101.
* Certad G, Benamrouz S, Guyot K, Mouray A, Chassat T, Flament N, Delhaes L, Coiteux V, Delaire B, Praet M, Cuvelier C, Gosset P, Dei-Cas E, Creusy C Fulminant cryptosporidiosis after near-drowning: a human Cryptosporidium parvum strain implicated in invasive gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma in an experimental model. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012;78(6):1746-51. doi: 10.1128/AEM.06457-11.
* Certad G, Creusy C, Guyot K, Mouray A, Chassat T, Delaire B, Pinon A, Sitja-Bobadilla A, Alvarez-Pellitero P, Praet M, Cuvelier C, Dei-Cas E. Fulminant cryptosporidiosis associated with digestive adenocarcinoma in SCID mice infected with Cryptosporidium parvum TUM1 strain. Int J Parasitol. 2010; 40(13):1469-75. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2010.07.007.
* Certad G, Creusy C, Ngouanesavanh T, Guyot K, Gantois N, Mouray A, Chassat T, Flament N, Fleurisse L, Pinon A, Delhaes L, Dei-Cas E. Development of Cryptosporidium parvum-induced gastrointestinal neoplasia in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice: severity of lesions is correlated with infection intensity. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010 Feb;82(2):257-65. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2010.09-0309.
* Certad G, Ngouanesavanh T, Guyot K, Gantois N, Chassat T, Mouray A, Fleurisse L, Pinon A, Cailliez JC, Dei-Cas E, Creusy C. Cryptosporidium parvum, a potential cause of colic adenocarcinoma. Infect Agent Cancer. 2007; 2:22. doi: 10.1186/1750-9378-2-22.

Development of a bovine health prediction kit
Blastocystis, the most prevalent protozoan in human stools, is increasingly recognized as a commensal member of our gut microbiome, being associated with hallmarks of a healthy gut, like an increased gut bacterial diversity in asymptomatic individuals. Thanks to a collaboration with GD Biotech (spin-off of Genes Diffusion, a company specializing in livestock genomic selection), we had the opportunity to test the impact of Blastocystis in the fecal microbiota of dairy cattle. As in humans, we demonstrated that bacterial alpha-diversity was higher in the fecal microbiota of Blastocystis colonized cows than in cows without it. Also, by studying heifers specifically, we found that the presence of Blastocystis at the heifer stage was associated with a 22% higher productive longevity without compromising the daily milk yield and a 17.5% lower carbon contribution per kg of milk produced, than in Blastocystis-free dairy cows. Thus, we were able to conclude that Blastocystis was an early indicator for productive longevity in dairy cows and a game changer to limit cattle CH4 emissions. This result became an invention, which we protected with a European patent (N° EP22212049.5), currently under PCT (N° WO 2024/121284 A1).
European patent N° EP22212049.5: Blastocystis sp. as a Predictive Biomarker of High Productive Longevity in Dairy Heifers). International patent in progress (PCT/EP2023/084652, International Publication N° WO 2024/121284 A1.). Exclusive license signed between SATT-Nord and SAS Gènes Diffusion through GD Biotech, for the development of a detection kit for this biomarker predictive of health and productive longevity in cattle.
* Winner of the Sommet d'Or (innovation competition) at the Sommet de l'élevage 2024, Clermont-Ferrand, France. The COWBIOT predictive tool for dairy cow longevity (
* Press release
- GD Biotech :
- SATT du Nord:
- CNRS Innovation :
- CIIL :
ECOPHIP visiting Vietnam
ECOPHIP continues to build its network of international collaborations around the world, particularly in Southeast Asia. Dr. Eric Viscogliosi and Dr. Gabriela Certad visited Vietnam on two occasions to meet with their colleagues at the Pasteur Institutes of Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City as part of the Scientific Cooperation Program funded by the French Embassy in Vietnam. A collaborative project focused on the molecular epidemiology and circulation of intestinal protozoa under a 'One Health' approach was initiated, complemented by the upcoming arrival of Vietnamese students at the Pasteur Institute of Lille."

The Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City
Busts of Calmette and Pasteur at the Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City

The Pasteur Institute of Nha Trang
Publications 2018-2024
Original Articles
Jelassi R, Chelbi H, Certad G, Benamrouz S, Farah F, Bouratbine A, Aoun K. Prévalence élevée d’infection par Cryptosporidium chez des patients atteints de cancer colorectal en Tunisie (2024). Med Trop Sante Int in press
Naguib D, Gantois N, Desramaut J, Garcia Dominguez R, Arafat N, Adwa SM, Even G, Devos DP, Certad G, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E (2024) Large-scale molecular epidemiological survey of Blastocystis sp. among herbivores in Egypt and assessment of potential zoonotic risk. Microorganisms 12, 1286
Ryckman M, Gantois N, Garcia Dominguez R, Desramaut J, Li LL, Even G, Audebert C, Devos DP, Chabé M, Certad G, Monchy S, Viscogliosi E (2024)Molecular identification and subtype analysis of Blastocystis sp. isolates from wild mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Northern France. Microorganisms 12, 710
Certad G, Gantois N, Merlin S, Martel S, Even G, Viscogliosi E, Audebert C, Chabé M (2024) Frequency and molecular identification of Cryptosporidium in adult Prim’Holstein dairy cattle farms in the North of France. Microorganisms 12, 335
Barbier E, Carpentier J, Simonin O, Gosset P, Platel A, Happillon M, Alleman LY, Perdrix E, Riffault V (2023) Oxidative stress and inflammation induced by air pollution-derived PM2.5 persist in the lungs of mice after cessation of their sub-chronic exposure. Environ Int 181, 108248
Cherif MS, Keita M, Dahal P, Guilavogui T, Beavogui AH, Diassy L, Conde M, Touré A, Delamou A (2023) Neglected tropical diseases in Republic of Guinea: disease endemicity, case burden and the road towards the 2030 target. Int Health 15, 490-504
Even G, Mouray A, Vandenabeele N, Martel S, Merlin S, Lebrun-Ruer S, Chabé M, Audebert C (2023) Bact-To-Batch: a microbiota-based tool to determine optimal animal allocation in experimental designs. Int J Mol Sci 24, 7912
Folcher A, Gordienko D, Iamshanova O, Bokhobza A, Shapovalov G, Kannancheri-Puthooru D, Mariot P, Allart L, Desruelles E, Spriet C, Diez R, Oullier T, Marionneau-Lambot S, Brisson L, Geraci S, Impheng H, Lehen'kyi V, Haustrate A, Mihalache A, Gosset P, Chadet S, Retif S, Laube M, Sobilo J, Lerondel S, Villari G, Serini G, Fiorio Pla A, Roger S, Fromont-Hankard G, Djamgoz M, Clezardin P, Monteil A, Prevarskaya N (2023) NALCN-mediated sodium influx confers metastatic prostate cancer cell invasiveness. EMBO J 42, e112198
Guilavogui T, Verdun S, Koïvogui A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G (2023) Prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in Guinea: Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Pathogens 12, 336
Guyard-Nicodème M, Anis N, Naguib D, Viscogliosi E, Chemaly M (2023) Prevalence and association of Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Blastocystis sp. in poultry. Microorganisms 11, 1983
Hariss F, Delbeke M, Guyot K, Zarnitzky P, Ezzedine M, Certad G, Meresse B (2023) Cytotoxic innate intraepithelial lymphocytes control early stages of Cryptosporidium infection. Front Immunol 14, 1229406
Leno NN, Guilavogui F, Camara A, Kadio KJO, Guilavogui T, Diallo TS, Diallo MA, Leno DWA, Ricarte B, Koita Y, Kaba L, Ahiatsi A, Touré N, Traoré P, Chaloub S, Kamano A, Vicente CA, Delamou A, Cissé M (2023) Retention and predictors of attrition among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in Guinea: A 13-year historical cohort study in nine large-volume sites. Int J Public Health 68, 1605929
Mesquita G, Haustrate A, Mihalache A, Soret B, Cordier C, Desruelles E, Duval E, Pethö Z, Prevarskaya N, Schwab A, Lehen'kyi V (2023) TRPV6 channel is involved in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma aggressiveness and resistance to chemotherapeutics. Cancers (Basel) 15, 5769
Naguib D, Gantois N, Desramaut J, Arafat N, Mandour M, Abdelmaogood AKK, Mosa AF, Denoyelle C, Even G, Certad G, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E (2023) Molecular epidemiology and genetic diversity of the enteric protozoan parasite Blastocystis sp. in the Northern Egypt population. Pathogens 12, 1359
Nguyen LDN, Gantois N, Hoang TT, Do BT, Desramaut J, Naguib D, Tran TN, Truong AD, Even G, Certad G, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E (2023) First epidemiological survey on the prevalence and subtypes distribution of the enteric parasite Blastocystis sp. in Vietnam. Microorganisms 11, 731
Audebert C, Gantois N, Ducrocq S, Darras M, Merlin S, Martel S, Viscogliosi E, Even G, Chabé M (2022) Animal, herd and feed characteristics associated with Blastocystis prevalence and molecular diversity in dairy cattle from the North of France. Parasitologia 2, 45-53
El Hage R, El Rayess Y, Bonifait L, El Hafi B, Baugué L, Viscogliosi E, Hamze M, Mathieu F, Matar GM, Chemaly M (2022) A national study through a « farm-to-fork » approach to determine Salmonella dissemination along the Lebanese poultry production chain. Zoonoses Public Health 69, 499-513
Guilavogui T, Gantois N, Even G, Desramaut J, Dautel E, Denoyelle C, Cissé FI, Touré SC, Kourouma BL, Sawant M, Chabé M, Certad G, Viscogliosi E (2022) Detection, molecular identification and transmission of the intestinal protozoa Blastocystis sp. in Guinea from a large-scale study conducted in the Conakry area. Microorganisms 10, 446
Haustrate A, Mihalache A, Cordier C, Gosset P, Prevarskaya N, Lehen'kyi V (2022) A novel anti-TRPV6 antibody and its application in cancer diagnosis in vitro. Int J Mol Sci 24, 419
Kalach N, Zrinjka M, Bontems P, Kori M, Homan M, Cabral J, Casswall T, Chong S, Cilleruelo ML, Faraci S, Megraud F, Papadopoulou A, Pehlivanoglu E, Raymond J, Rea F, Maria R, Roma E, Tavares M, Ugras M, Urbonas V, Urruzuno P, Gosset P, Creusy C, Delebarre M, Verdun S, on behalfthe ESPGHAN-Helicobacter pyloriSpecialInterest Group (ESPGHAN- H. pylori-SIG) (2022) Systematic review and meta-analysis of histological gastric biopsy aspects according to the updated Sydney system in children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 74, 13-19
Li LL, Delgado-Viscogliosi P, Gerphagnon M, Viscogliosi E, Christaki U, Sime-Ngando T, Monchy S (2022) Taxonomic and functional dynamics during chytrid epidemics in an aquatic ecosystem. Mol Ecol 31, 5618-5634
Naguib D, Gantois N, Desramaut J, Arafat N, Even G, Certad G, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E (2022) Prevalence, subtype distribution and zoonotic significance of Blastocystis sp. isolates from poultry, cattle and pets in Northern Egypt. Microorganisms 10, 2259
Sawant M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Meloni D, Gantois N, Even G, Guyot K, Creusy C, Duval E, Wintjens R, Weitzman J, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E, Certad G (2022) Putative SET-domain methyltransferases in Cryptosporidium parvum and histone methylation during infection. Virulence13, 1632-1650
Cissé OH, Ma L, Dekker JP, Khil PP, Youn JH, Brenchley JM, Blair R, Pahar B, Chabé M, Van Rompay KKA, Keesler R, Sukura A, Hirsch V, Kutty G, Liu Y, Li P, Chen J, Song J, Weissenbacher-Lang C, Xu J, Upham NS, Stajich JE, Cuomo CA, Cushion MT, Kovacs JA (2021) Genomic insights into the host specific adaptation of the Pneumocystis genus. Commun Biol 4, 305
Cuffaro B, Assohoun ALW, Boutillier D, Peucelle V, Desramaut J, Boudebbouze S, Croyal M, Waligora-Dupriet AJ, Rhimi M, Grangette C, Maguin E (2021) Identification of new potentialbiotherapeuticsfromhuman gut microbiota-derivedbacteria. Microorganisms 9, 565
Even G, Lokmer A, Rodrigues J, Audebert C, Viscogliosi E, Segurel L, Chabé M (2021) Changes in the human gut microbiota associated with colonization by Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba spp. in non-industrialized populations. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 11, 533528
Gantois N, Lesaffre A, Durand-Joly I, Bautin N, Le Rouzic O, Nseir S, Reboux G, Scherer E, Aliouat EM, Fry S, Gosset P, Fréalle E (2021) Factors associated with Pneumocystis colonisation and circulating genotypes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute exacerbation or at stable state and their homes. Med Mycol60, myab070
Khaled S, Gantois N, Ayoubi A, Even G, Sawant M, El Houmayraa J, Nabot M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M, Certad G, El Safadi D, Daboussi F, Hamze M, Viscogliosi E (2021) Blastocystis sp. prevalence and subtypes distribution amongst Syrian refugee communities living in North Lebanon. Microorganisms 9, 184
Landman WJM, Gantois N, Sawant M, Majoor M, van Eck JHH, Viscogliosi E (2021) Prevalence of trichomonads in the cloaca of wild wetland birds in the Netherlands. Avian Pathol 50, 465-476
Latinne A, Chen HW, Kuo CC, Singleton G, Stuart A, Malbas FF, Demanche C, Chabé M, Michaux J, Morand S (2021). Revisiting the Pneumocystis host specificity paradigm and transmission ecology in wild Southeast Asian rodents. Infect Genet Evol 93, 104978
Pérez-Cruz M, Koné B, Porte R, Carnoy C, Tabareau J, Gosset P, Trottein F, Sirard JC, Pichavant M, Gosset P (2021) The Toll-Like Receptor 5 agonist flagellin prevents Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae-induced infection in cigarette smoke-exposed mice. PLoS One 16, e0236216
Razakandrainibe R, Mérat C, Kapel N, Sautour M, Guyot K, Gargala G, Ballet JJ, Le Pape P, French Cryptosporidiosis Network, Dalle F, Favennec L (2021) Multicenter evaluation of an ELISA for the detection of Cryptosporidium spp. antigen in clinical human samples. Microorganisms9, 209
Sawant M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Mouray A, Bouquet P, Gantois N, Creusy C, Duval E, Mihalache A, Gosset P, Chabé M, Hot D, Viscogliosi E, Certad G (2021) Persistent Cryptosporidium parvum infection leads to the development of the tumor microenvironment in an experimental mouse model: results of a microarray approach. Microorganisms 9, 2569
ACCESS-SMC Partnership (including Guilavogui T) (2020) Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention at scale in west and central Africa: an observationalstudy. Lancet 396, 1829-1840
Al Zallouha M, Landkocz Y, Méausoone C, Ledoux F, Visade F, Cazier F, Martin PJ, Borgie M, Vitagliano JJ, Trémolet G, Cailliez JC, Gosset P, Courcot D, Billet S (2020) A prospective pilot study of the T-lymphocyte response to fine particulate matter exposure. J Appl Toxicol 40, 619-630
Audebert C, Bonardi F, Caboche S, Guyot K, Touzet H, Merlin S, Gantois N, Creusy C, Meloni D, Mouray A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M (2020) Genetic basis for virulence differences of various Cryptosporidium parvum carcinogenic isolates. Sci Rep 10, 7316
Baydoun M, Treizeibre A, Follet J, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Creusy C, Delaire B, Mouray A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Senez V (2020) An interphase microfluidic culture system for the study of ex vivo intestinal tissue. Micromachines 11, 150
Beavogui AH, Camara A, Delamou A, Diallo MS, Doumbouya A, Kourouma K, Bouedouno P, Guilavogui T, Dos Santos Souza S, Kelley J, Talundzic E, Fofana A, Plucinski MM (2020) Efficacyand safety of artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and prevalence of molecular markers associatedwithresistance, Guinea: an open-label two-arm randomisedcontrolled trial. Malar J. 19, 223
Certad G, Zahedi A, Gantois N, Sawant M, Creusy C, Duval E, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Ryan U, Viscogliosi E (2020) Molecular characterization of novel Cryptosporidium fish genotypes in edible marine fish. Microorganisms 8, 2014
Costa D, Razakandrainibe R, Valot S, Vannier M, Sautour M, Basmaciyan L, Gargala G, Viller V, Lemeteil D, Ballet JJ; French National Network on Surveillance of Human Cryptosporidiosis, Dalle F, Favennec L (2020) Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis in France from 2017 to 2019. Microorganisms 8: 1358
Cuffaro B, Assohoun ALW, Boutillier D, Súkeníková L, Desramaut J, Boudebbouze S, Salomé-Desnoulez S, Hrdý J, Waligora-Dupriet AJ, Maguin E, Grangette C (2020) In vitrocharacterization of gut microbiota-derived commensal strains: selection of Parabacteroidesdistasonisstrainsalleviating TNBS-inducedcolitis in mice. Cells 2020 9, 2104
Gantois N, Lamot A, Seesao Y, Creusy C, Li L-L, Monchy S, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Karpouzopoulos J, Bourgain J-L, Rault C, Demaret F, Baydoun M, Chabé M, Fréalle E, Aliouat-Denis CM, Gay M, Certad G, Viscogliosi E (2020) First report on the prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in edible marine fish and marine mammals: a large scale-study conducted in Atlantic Northeast and on the coasts of northern France. Microorganisms 8: 460
Khaled S, Gantois N, Tidjany Ly A, Senghor S, Even G, Dautel E, Dejager R, Sawant M, Baydoun M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M, Ndiaye S, Schacht AM, Certad G, Riveau G, Viscogliosi E (2020) Prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in Senegalese school children. Microorganisms 8: 1408
Lecureur V, Monteil C, Jaguin M, Cazier F, Preterre D, Corbière C, Gosset P, Douki T, Sichel F, Fardel O (2020) Comparative study on gene expression profile in rat lung after repeated exposure to diesel and biodiesel exhausts upstream and downstream of a particle filter. Environ Pollut 266, 115264
Ma L, Chen Z, Huang D, Cisse O, Rothenburger J, Latinne A, Bishop L, Blair R, Brenchley J, Chabé M, Deng X, Hirsch V, Keesler R, Kutty G, Liu Y, Margolis D, Morand S, Pahar B, Peng L, Rompay KV, Song X, Song J, Sukura A, Thapar S, Wang H, Weissenbacher-Lang C, Xu J, Lee CH, Jardine C, Lempicki R, Cushion M, Cuomo C, Kovacs J (2020) Diversity and complexity of the large surface protein family in the compacted genomes of multiple Pneumocystis species. mBio 3, 11
Soret P, Vandenborght LE, Francis F, Coron N, Enaud R, The Mucofong Investigation Group (Chabé M, Audebert C, Durand-Joly I, Boldron A, Pin I, Cognet O, Pelloux H, Prevotat A, Wallaert B, Wizla N, Thumerelle C, Turck D), Avalos M, Schaeverbeke T, Berger P, Fayon M, Thiébaut R, Delhaes L (2020) Respiratory mycobiome and suggestion of inter-kingdom network during acute pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis. Sci Rep10, 3589
Ahangari D, Gillard M, Certad G, Bataille M, Lasek A, Modiano P (2019) Scurvy presenting as pseudo-scleroderma of the leg. JAAD Case Rep 5, 831-833
Bello-Gil D, Audebert C, Olivera-Ardid S, Pérez-Cruz M, Even G, Khasbiullina N, Gantois N, Shilova N, Merlin S, Costa C, Bovin N, Mañez R (2019) The formation of glycan-specific natural antibodies repertoire in GalT-KO mice is determined by gut microbiota. Front Immunol 10, 342
Certad G, Follet J, Gantois N, Hammouma-Ghelboun O, Guyot K, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Fréalle E, Seesao Y, Delaire B, Creusy C, Even G, Verrez-Bagnis V, Ryan U, Gay M, Aliouat-Denis CM, Viscogliosi E (2019) Prevalence, molecular identification, and risk factors for Cryptosporidium infection in edible marine fish: a survey across sea areas surrounding France. Front Microbiol 10, 1037
Greige S, El Safadi D, Khaled S, Gantois N, Baydoun M, Chemaly M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M, Osman M, Certad G, Hamze M, Viscogliosi E (2019) First report on the prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis sp. in dairy cattle in Lebanon and assessment of zoonotic transmission risk. Acta Trop 194, 23-29
Greige S, Rivoal K, Osman M, El Safadi D, Dabboussi F, El Hage R, Viscogliosi E, Hamze M, Chemaly M (2019) Prevalence and genetic diversity of Campylobacter spp. in the production chain of broiler chickens in Lebanon and its association with the intestinal protozoan Blastocystis sp. Poultry Sci 98, 5883-5891
Landman WJM, Gantois N, van Eck JHH, van der Heijden HMJF, Viscogliosi E (2019) Tetratrichomonas gallinarum granuloma disease in a flock of free range layers. Vet Q 39, 153-160
Lokmer A, Cian A, Froment A, Gantois N, Viscogliosi E, Chabé M, Ségurel L (2019) Use of shotgun metagenomics for the identification of protozoa in the gut microbiota of healthy individuals from worldwide populations with various industrialization levels. PLoS ONE 14, e0211139
Siegwald L, Caboche S, Even G, Viscogliosi E, Audebert C, Chabé M (2019) The impact of bioinformatics pipelines on microbiota studies: does the analytical “microscope” affect the biological interpretation? Microorganisms 7, 393
Zaylaa M, Alard J, Kassaa IA, Peucelle V, Boutillier D, Desramaut J, Rosenstiel P, Nguyen HTT, Dabboussi F, Pot B, Grangette C. (2019) Autophagy: A novel mechanism involved in the anti-inflammatory abilities of probiotics. Cell Physiol Biochem 53, 774-793
Aliouat EM, Dei-Cas E, Gantois N, Pottier M, Pinçon C, Hawser S, Lier A, Huang DB (2018) In vitro and in vivo activity of iclaprim, a diaminopyrimidine compound, a potential therapeutic alternative against Pneumocystis pneumonia. Eur J Clin Microb Infect Dis 37, 409-415
Billet S, Landkocz Y, Martin PJ, Verdin A, Ledoux F, Lepers C, André V, Cazier F, Sichel F, Shirali P, Gosset P, Courcot D (2018) Chemical characterization of fine and ultrafine PM, direct and indirect genotoxicity of PM and their organic extracts on pulmonary cells. J Environ Sci (China) 71, 168-178
Dauchy C, Bautin N, Nseir S, Reboux G, Wintjens R, Le Rouzic O, Sendid B, Viscogliosi E, Le Pape P, Arendrup MC, Gosset P, Fry S, Fréalle E (2018) Emergence of Aspergillus fumigatus azole-resistance in azole-naïve COPD patients and their homes. Indoor Air 28, 298-306
Douki T, Corbière C, Preterre D, Martin PJ, Lecureur V, André V, Landkocz Y, Pottier I, Keravec V, Fardel O, Moreira-Rebelo S, Pottier D, Vendeville C, Dionnet F, Gosset P, Billet S, Monteil C, Sichel F (2018) Comparative study of diesel and biodiesel exhausts on lung oxidative stress and genotoxicity in rats. Environ Pollut 235, 514-524
Fougère B, Landkocz Y, Lepers C, Martin PJ, Armand L, Grossin N, Verdin A, Boulanger E, Gosset P, Sichel F, Shirali P, Billet S (2018) Influence of aging in the modulation of epigenetic biomarkers of carcinogenesis after exposure to air pollution. Exp Gerontol 110, 125-132
Greige S, El Safadi D, Becu N, Gantois N, Pereira B, Chabé M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Certad G, El Hage R, Chemaly M, Monzer H, Viscogliosi E (2018) Prevalence, subtype distribution and zoonotic potential of Blastocystis sp. isolates from poultry in Lebanon. Parasit Vectors 11, 389
Latinne A, Bezé F, Delhaes L, Pottier M, Gantois N, Nguyen J, Blasdell K, Dei-Cas E, Morand S, Chabé M (2018) Genetic diversity and evolution of Pneumocystis fungi infecting wild Southeast Asian murid rodents. Parasitology 145, 885-900
Osman M, Benamrouz S, Guyot K, El Safadi D, Mallat H, Dabboussi F, Hamze M, Viscogliosi E, Certad G (2018) Molecular epidemiology of Cryptosporidium spp. in North Lebanon. J Infect Dev Ctries 12, 34S
Audebert C, Even G, Vandenabeele N, Mouray A, Chabé M (2023) A novel strategy taking gut microbiota fingerprints into account for robust and reproducible animal experiments. Med Sci (Paris) 39, 934-936
Certad G (2022) Is Cryptosporidium a hijacker able to drive cancer cell proliferation? Food Waterborne Parasitol27, e00153
Certad G (2021) Cryptosporidium and colon cancer. Encyclopedia 4258
Sawant M, Benamrouz S, Chabé M, Guyot K, Costa D, Favennec L, Gargala G, Viscogliosi E, Certad G (2020) La cryptosporidiose et son impact en santé publique. Rev Biol Med 352, 53-68
Sawant M, Baydoun M, Creusy C, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Benamrouz-Vanneste S (2020) Cryptosporidium and colon cancer: cause or consequence? Microorganisms 8, e1665
Demanche C, Guillot J, Chabé M (2019) Pneumocystis species co-evolution: state-of-the-art review. OBM Genetics 3, 13
Editorials, commentaries, correspondences and perspectives
Certad G, Viscogliosi E (2021). Editorial for the Special Issue: Epidemiology, transmission, cell biology and pathogenicity of Cryptosporidium. Microorganisms 9, 511
Chabé M, Certad G, Caccio SM (2021) Editorial: Enteric unicellular eukaryotic parasites and gut microbiota: mechanisms and ecology. Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12, 779412
European patent (Application number EP22212049.5 entitled “Blastocystis sp. as a Predictive Biomarker of High Productive Longevity in Dairy Heifers”) extended to the international phase (PCT/EP2023/084652), International Publication Number WO 2024/121284 A1.
2020. Journées Ouvertes de Biologie, Informatique et Mathématique, Montpellier, France. WAWRZYNIAK, I., CIAN, A., NOURRISSON, C., BART, A., CHABE, M., POIRIER, P., VAN GOOL, T., PEYRETAILLADE, E., VISCOGLIOSI, E., DELBAC, F. Draft genome sequences of Blastocystis subtypes 1 and 8, and comparative analysis.
2022. GIVRE Day (Groupe Pour la Valorisation et la Réflexion autour des Enseignements), Lille, France. ALIOUAT-DENIS, C.M., POTEAUX Y., CHABE, M. Synthèse et améliorations de la mise en place des mises situations à l'officine pédagogique.
2024. Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie, Angers, France. DENOYELLE, C., GANTOIS, N., GARCIA DOMINGUEZ, R., WINTJENS, R., DESRAMAUT, J., CERTAD, G., DEVOS, D.P., CHABE, M., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Molecular, structural and functional characterization of the superoxide dismutases of the enteric protozoa Blastocystis.
2024. Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie, Angers, France. RYCKMAN, M.,GANTOIS, N., GARCIA DOMINGUEZ, R., DESRAMAUT, J., EVEN, G., AUDEBERT, C., DEVOS, D.P., CHABE, M.,CERTAD, G., MONCHY, S., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Molecular identification and subtype analysis of Blastocystis sp. isolates in wild mussels (Mytilus edulis) in the area of Boulogne-sur-mer in Northern France.
2024. Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie, Angers, France. CHABE, M., GANTOIS, N., MERLIN, S., EVEN, G., VISCOGLIOSI, E., AUDEBERT, C. Blastocystis in cattle: the unknown hero.
2024. SOCEPA 2024 - XXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Parasitología, Madrid, Espagne. GARCIA-LIVA, K., MARTIN-CARILLO, N., CERTAD, G., GANTOIS, N., DESRAMAUT, J., VISCOGLIOSI, E., FORONDA, P. Detección de Blastocystis sp. en peces de interés comercial en las Islas Canarias
2024. Congrès de la Société Française de Microbiologie, Lille, France. ALIOUAT-DENIS, C.M., AZOUAR, N., BONNAZ, Y., CARNOY, C., CHABE, M., DIENNE, T., FOLIGNE, B., GILLOT, S., GOFFARD, A., GRIMBERT, N., HERMANN, E., ODOU, M.F., QUELENNEC, K., RAVAUX, P. Travel Pursuit, un jeu sérieux pour voyager en bonne santé.
2018. 19th International Congress of the Lebanese Society for Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Beirut, Lebanon. OSMAN, M., BENAMROUZ, S., GUYOT, K., EL SAFADI, D., MALLAT, H., DABBOUSSI, F., HAMZE, M., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G. Molecular epidemiology of Cryptosporidium spp. in North Lebanon. J. Infect. Dev. Ctries, 12, 34S.
2018. SQUAD2 Sécurité et Qualité Agroalimentaire, Tripoli, Lebanon. VISCOGLIOSI, E. Situation de la cryptosporidiose et de la blastocystose au Liban.
2018. SQUAD2 Sécurité et Qualité Agroalimentaire, Tripoli, Lebanon. BAYDOUN, M. Three-dimensional (3D) culture of adult murine colon as an in vitro model of cryptosporidiosis: proof of concept.
2019. 7th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, Rouen, France. GANTOIS, N., FOLLET, J., HAMMOUMA-GHELBOUN, O., GUYOT, K., BENAMROUZ-VANNESTE, S., FREALLE, E., SEESAO, Y., DELAIRE, B., EVEN, G., VERREZ-BAGNIS, V., RYAN, U., GAY, M., ALIOUAT-DENIS, C.-M., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G. Prevalence, molecular identification and risk factors for Cryptospordium infection in edible marine fish: a survey across sea areas surrounding France.
2019. 7th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, Rouen, France. AUDEBERT, C., BONARDI, F., CABOCHE, S., GUYOT, K., TOUZET, H., MERLIN, S., GANTOIS, N., CREUSY, C., MELONI, D., MOURAY, A., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G., BENAMROUZ-VANNESTE, S., CHABE, M. Genetic basis for virulence differences of various Cryptosporidium parvum carcinogenic isolates.
2019. 7th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, Rouen, France. SAWANT, M.,BAYDOUN, M., CREUSY, C., GANTOIS, N., CHABE, M., MOURAY, A., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G., BENAMROUZ-VANNESTE, S. Is Cryptosporidium parvum able to induce intestinal neoplasia in vitro?
2019. 97 Fachgespräch über Geflügelkranheiten, Hannover, Germany. LANDMAN, W.J.M., GANTOIS, N., VAN ECK, J.H.H., VAN DER HEIJDEN, H.M.J.F., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Tetratrichomonas gallinarum granuloma disease in a flock of free range layers.
2021. 3rd International Blastocystis Conference, Virtual Edition. KHALED, S., GANTOIS, N., AYOUBI, A., EVEN, G., SAWANT, M., EL HOUMAYRAA, J., NABOT, M., BENAMROUZ-VANNESTE, S., CHABE, M., CERTAD, G., EL SAFADI, D., DABBOUSSI, F., HAMZE, M., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Blastocystis sp. prevalence and subtypes distribution amongst Syrian refugee communities living in North Lebanon.
2021. 15th International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists (IWOP), Virtual Edition. SAWANT, M., BENAMROUZ, S., MELONI, D., GUYOT, K., GANTOIS, N., CHABE, M., CREUSY, C., DUVAL, E., WEITZMAN, J., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G.First study to characterize the role of epigenetics in the biology of the Apicomplexan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum.
2021. 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia. LANDMAN, W.J.M., SAWANT, M., GANTOIS, N., MAJOOR, A., VAN ECK, J.H.H., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Molecular epidemiology of trichomonads in wild wetland birds in the Netherlands.
2021. 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia. KHALED, S., SAWANT, M., GANTOIS, N., AYOUBI, A., EVEN, G., EL HOUMAYRAA, J., NABOT, M., BENAMROUZ-VANNESTE, S., CHABE, M., CERTAD, G., EL SAFADI, D., DABBOUSSI, F., HAMZE, M., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Prevalence and subtype distribution of Blastocystis amongst Syrian refugee communities living in North Lebanon
2021. 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia. EVEN, G., LOKMER, A., RODRIGUES, J., AUDEBERT, C., VISCOGLIOSI, E., SEGUREL, L., CHABE, M. Changes in the human gut microbiota associated with colonization by Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba spp. in non-industrialized populations
2021. 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia. SAWANT, M., BENAMROUZ, S., MELONI, D., GUYOT, K., GANTOIS, N., CHABE, M., CREUSY, C., DUVAL, E., WINTJENS, R., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G. First characterization of the role of epigenetics in the dynamics of Cryptosporidium parvum infection.
2021. 13th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Belgrade, Serbia. SAWANT, M., BENAMROUZ, S., MOURAY, A., BOUQUET, P., GANTOIS, N., CHABE, M., CREUSY, C., DUVAL, E., MIHALACHE, A., GOSSET, P., HOT, D., VISCOGLIOSI, E., CERTAD, G. Cryptosporidium parvum infection and colon cancer ; results of a microarray approach.
2021. Congrès conjoint de la SoAP, SAV, SFMTSI, SCP et CaSE, Yaoundé Cameroon.GUILAVOGUI, T., GANTOIS, N., EVEN, G., DESRAMAUT, J., DAUTEL, E., DENOYELLE, C., CISSE, F.I., TOURE, S.C., KOUROUMA, B.L., SAWANT, M., CHABE, M., CERTAD, G., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Détection et identification moléculaire du protozoaire intestinal Blastocystis dans le cadre d'une étude à grande échelle menée dans la région de Conakry en Guinée.
2022. Annual Conference of the Microbiology Society (UK), Belfast, Ireland. EVEN, G., GANTOIS, N., GUILAVOGUI, T., CERTAD, G., MERLIN, S., MARTEL, S., VISCOGLIOSI, E., AUDEBERT, C., CHABE, M. Gut eukaryome: the special role of intestinal protozoa like Blastocystis in the gut microbiota.
2022. Experts meeting on avian diseases. Specialist group "Poultry diseases" of the German Society of Veterinary Medicine and German group of the WVPA (World Veterinary Poultry Association), Hanover, Germany. LANDMAN, W.J.M., GANTOIS, N., SAWANT, M., MAJOOR, F.A., VAN ECK, J.H.H., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Prevalence of trichomonads in the cloaca of wild wetland birds in the Netherlands
2024. 4th International Blastocystis Conference, Microbiology Society, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. CHABE, M., GANTOIS, N., MERLIN, S., EVEN, G., VISCOGLIOSI, E., AUDEBERT, C. Blastocystis in cattle: a providential « game changer » to limit global warming
2024. 4th International Blastocystis Conference, Microbiology Society, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
DENOYELLE, C., GANTOIS, N., GARCIA DOMINGUEZ, R., WINTJENS, R., BILLON, G., ALAIMO, V., DESRAMAUT, J., CERTAD, G., DEVOS, D.P., CHABE, M., VISCOGLIOSI, E. Molecular, structural and functional characterization of the superoxide dismutases of the enteric protozoa Blastoc
As part of its research activities, ECOPHIP has established a dense network of collaborations at local and regional (CIIL platforms and teams, Lille Hospital and University, PEGASE, BiLille, Genes Diffusion, Genoscreen), national (VetAgro Sup, ANSES, IFREMER, CEA, Hospitals, MNHN Paris, CNRS and Inserm units) and international level in Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United kingdom), Africa (Egypt, Senegal, Guinea, Nigeria, Madagascar), Asia (Cambodia, Vietnam, Taiwan) and Middle East (Lebanon).
* Inserm. Plan Cancer ITMO Cancer Inserm (n°EPIG201510 ) AAP Epigénétique et Cancer PARA-CAN 2016-2019 Partenaire
* SF3i Lille. Projet collaboratif CIIL et LIRIC (UMR995) 2017-2018 Coordinateur
* Plate-forme BiLille. Missions Ingénieurs 2018 Coordinateur
* CHU de Lille. Bonus H 2019 Coordinateur
* Université Catholique de Lille. GHICL Crypto-K 2019-2021 Coordinateur
* CIIL. Projets collaboratifs intra-CIIL 2020-2021 Coordinateur
* Région Hauts-de-France. Programme STIMulE - Volet "Recherche Exploratoire" AGRIMARK 2020-2022 Coordinateur
* Plate-forme BiLille. Missions Ingénieurs 2021 Coordinateur
* Société d’Accélération de Transfert Technologique (SATT) Nord 2021-2023 Coordinateur
* Ambassade de France au Vietnam. Coopération scientifique 2022 Coordinateur
* Ambassade de France Egypte. Coopération scientifique 2023 Coordinateur
* Ambassade de France au Vietnam. Coopération scientifique 2023-2024 Coordinateur
* ANSES CASABLAST 2023-2025 Partenaire
* MAE et MESR. Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) Programme IMHOTEP France - Egypte 2023-2025 Coordinateur
* Région Hauts-de-France / Université Catholique de Lille Bourse de thèse Martha Baydoun 2015-2018
* AZM et SAADE, Liban Bourse de thèse Stéphanie Greige 2015-2018
* AZM et SAADE, Liban Bourse de thèse Salma Khaled 2018-2021
* Programme de coopération Egypte-France (STDF-IFE) Financement Post-doc Yara Al Kappany 12 mois 2019
* Université de Lille Bourse de thèse Manasi Sawant 2019-2022
* Programme de coopération Egypte-France (STDF-IFE) Financement Post-doc Yara Doaa Naguib 14 mois 2021-2022
* Université de Lille Bourse de thèse Constance Denoyelle 2023-2026
* Région Hauts-de-France / PMCO Bourse de thèse Manon Ryckman 2023-2026
* Université de Lille Bourse de thèse Dima Abdallah 2024-2027