Call for a junior group leader at Institut Pasteur de Lille
Call for a junior group leader on Infectious Diseases and/or antimicrobial resistance Institut Pasteur de Lille, France
Several projects are proposed by CIIL scientists. Check it out!
Post-doc position offer
Post-doctoral or Engineer position Research on intestinal microbiota and organ on chip
The team Mechanobiology of Host-Microbe Interactions (MOHMI) is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher or engineer to investigate microbial communities using state-of-the art in organ on chip technologies.
Who we are
Located at the Institut Pasteur de Lille and at Center of Infection and Immunity of Lille (CIIL), the team aims to better understand how microenvironment and physical forces control host-microbial interactions with a major focus on intestinal infections. Our research is collaborative and highly interdisciplinary combining microbiology, stem cell biology and microengineering.
The project
The intestine exhibits two major mechanical stimuli: peristalsis, which aims to move forward intestinal content and intestinal segmentation which plays a key role in nutrients absorption. We recently developed a new gut on chip mimicking intestinal segmentation, paving the way toward a better understanding of the role of these physical stimuli on the intestinal epithelium and the microbial ecosystem. In particular, the candidate will investigate the impact of this physical force on the colonization and maintenance of simplified microbial ecology in gut health and infection.
Candidate profile
We are seeking for a candidate with a background in the fields microbiota or cellular microbiology or organ on chip with a strong motivation for interdisciplinarity. Candidates need to be curious, creative and motivated to learn new approaches.
The lab will support a full-time salary through for an initial period of 12 months funded by Start-Airr grant of the region Hauts-de-France. Salary and benefits will follow the salary grid of the Institut Pasteur de Lille, commensurate with research experience. Availability: immediate
If you are interested by this opportunity, please send your CV and a letter of motivation to alexandre.grassartinsermfr