Membres de l'équipe
Priscille Brodin, DR1 INSERM, ORCID
Aurélie Tasiemski, MCF-HDR Univ. Lille, ORCID
François Massol, DR2 CNRS, ORCID
Arnaud Machelart,CRCN INSERM, ORCID
Nathalie Deboosere, Engineer Pasteur de Lille, ORCID
Alexandre Vandeputte, Engineer Univ. Lille, ORCID
Céline Boidin-Wichlacz, Engineer CNRS, ORCID
Jonathan Chatagnon Engineer INSERM, ORCID
Ok-Ryul SONG PhD Post-doc 2011-2018, now Senior Scientist @Francis Crick, London, UK
Christophe QUEVAL PhD Post-doc 2011-2016, now post-doc at the Francis Crick, London, UK
Romain VEYRON-CHURLET PhD Post-doc 2012-2015, now CRCN CNRS
Raffaella IANTOMASI PhD Post-doc 2012-2015, now PI @SANOFI, Marcy l’Etoile, France
Vincent DELORME PhD Post-doc 2012-2014, now PI@Institut Pasteur Korea, South Korea
Maria SOUZA FERNANDA COSTA DA SILVA PhD Post-doc 2013, now Drug Development Project Analyst - Biozeus Biopharmaceutical S.A, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Roxane SIMEONE PhD Post-doc 2013-2014, now permanent researcher at Institut Pasteur Paris
Valentin TROFIMOV PhD Post-doc 2016-2017
Valérie LANDRY IE INSERM 2011-2014, now at Pasteur Lille
Samuel JOUNY Chargé d'étude Pasteur Lille 2013-2018, now Scientific Officer at the Institute of Cancer Research, London UK
Isabelle RICARD Technician Pasteur de Lille
Anciens membres