Research activity
Cell Physics and surface signalling linked of host-pathogen interactions
- Biomechanics of Listeria monocytogenes–host cell interaction (with P Cossart Inst Pasteur Paris)
- Biophysics of Trans- Endothelial Macroapertures induced by bacterial toxins (with E Lemichez Inst Pasteur Paris)
- Neisseria interaction with plasma membrane: adhesion forces (With S Bourdoulous Inst Cochin)
- Signaling associated to the interaction of Yersinia to the cell surface
- Imaging at high speed membrane dynamics and protein/lipid interactions
- Biophysics of host-pathogen interaction at the nanometric scale
- Structure and dynamics of SNARE calcium-sensitive oligomers for synaptic vesicle transmission (with JE Rothmans Yale Univ)
- Nano-mechanics response measurements of cells and tissues in cancer (EU ITN consortium)
- Towards automation for nano-mechanics characterization of biological samples in diseases
Autophagy & Infection
- Autophagy hijacking during vacuolar infection phase: Yersinia
- Role of autophagy as a response to membrane damages: Shigella and Coxiella
- Role of autophagy in cellular responses to norovirus infection (G. Muharram)
- Characterization of autophagy regulation by Lactic Acid Bacteria both in vitro and in vivo (C. Daniel)
- Cytoadhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes, ultrastructural characterization and elastic properties of knobs studied with AFM
- Ultrastructural analysis of osteoblasts mineralization
- Characterization of hydrophobins from Aspergillus fumigatus
- Adhesive properties of Staphylococcus aureus
Technologies and Developments
- Atomic Force Microscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy correlative method: Ciczora et al 2019 Biol Cell
- CLAFEM: Correlative Light Atomic Force Electronic Microscopy : Janel et al 2017 Methods in Cell Biology
- CLEM: Correlative Light Electron Microscopy on host-pathogen interaction Ligeon & al 2015 Methods
- Stiffness tomography of intracellular organelles : Roduit et al 2008,2009 Biophys J, Janel et al Nanoscale 2019
- AFM automation: Dujardin et al PLoS ONE 2019
- AFM Measurement standardization for cells and tissues: Schillers et al 2017 Sci Rep
Team website HERE