The world
of the infinitely small

December 9-10, 2021

    From   12/09/2021 to    12/10/2021

AMR Meeting, a virtual symposium: On the hunt for next generetion antimicrobial agents.

The SCT, the SFM and sponsors invite you to an exciting two-day symposium entitled: On the hunt for next generation antimicrobial agents. This symposium will bring together some of the most influential researchers involved in these endeavours and should be of interest to a wide audience of basic scientists, medicinal chemists, doctors, and microbiologists.

The rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance (AMR) in bacteria is one of the most pressing global health threats. Despite its significance, the potential impact of this phenomenon remains largely underappreciated by a large portion of the population. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has further intensified the use of antibiotics, often without clinical justification, which is expected to further impact on near future AMR statistics. In Europe alone, >33,000 deaths per year are attributable to resistant infections (700,000 world-wide), resulting in a substantial clinical and financial burden on healthcare providers, clinicians, patients and their families. The cost associated with the management of these infections is estimated at $ 11.3 billion. If we do not strengthen our efforts to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance, it is predicted that by 2050 antibiotic resistant infections may cause 10 million deaths worldwide.

For mor details about the meeting : --> HERE