The CNRS's Cristal collectif awarding
A collective reward for the virocrib project !

The CIIL is delighted to announce that Adeline Danneels, AI CNRS, and Audrey Tarricone, IE CNRS, from the CIIL's Molecular & Cellular Virology team, have been awarded the Cristal collectif by the CNRS as part of the Virocrib project (, a shared infrastructure for screening antiviral molecules supported by CNRS-Biologie and set up following the COVID-19 crisis. This Cristal is shared with Nathalie Gros (IEHC CNRS) and Lisa Morichon (IE CNRS) from the CNRS CEMIPAI unit in Montpellier and with Aurélien Traversier (AI UCBL1) and Emilie Laurent (IE UCBL1) from the VirPath team at CIRI (UMR5308) in Lyon. Congratulations to all the laureates.